Pre-Lim task music video
A2 Media Prelim - Kendrick Lamar 'Alright' from Callum Warnes on Vimeo.This is our music video produced by our group. The music video itself is Kendrick Lemar's "Alright" which was chosen after reviewing multiple different music videos, which concluded with this song being picked as we believed it to be suitable for a short pre lim task.
Pre-Lim audience feed back
What did your audience say in general?
Overall, the audience feedback was generally positive. They all agreed that the genre was easily identified, through the use of conventions and micro features, as well as being entertaining. However, there wasn't much of a story element.
What positives did they give you? They agreed that conventions such as graffiti, fast paced editing, and costume allowed them to identify the genre. They also liked the various editing techniques used which adds creativity into the video. They also said that the lip syncing was synced very well, and the narrative suited and conformed to the rap genre.
How many complaints did they give you?
They said that they wanted to see more lip syncing as we only included one shot of lip syncing. They said this would break up the video, and make the video more immersive and interesting. They also established that there wasn't a storyline, and that we should consider using a story driven music video for the main task.
How many conventions did you hit in the prelim video?
We successfully managed to recreate the pace of a rap video, through editing which consisted of fast cuts and short takes. We also created key genre themes such as poverty crime and culture, by using correct locations containing graffiti, and churches to resemble these themes in the video
What improvements did your audience suggest?
They said we should include more lip syncing, which would help break up the video and make it more interesting for the spectator to watch. They also said we need to include a storyline as well as making it clear and easy for the spectator to acknowledge what is happening. They would also like to see more interior shots like the theatre, as makes for a good transition between different locations.
What are you therefore going to do about it when you plan and make your final music video?
We are going to plan and draft a storyboard of our music video, which will allow us to craft a story and set a narrative around it. A story board will also allow us to create a complex and in depth story which will satisfy the spectators. We will also include more lip syncing shots, as well as using indoor locations such as houses or/and the sixth form.
Vox-Pop Feedback Final A2 Media from Callum Warnes on Vimeo.We are going to plan and draft a storyboard of our music video, which will allow us to craft a story and set a narrative around it. A story board will also allow us to create a complex and in depth story which will satisfy the spectators. We will also include more lip syncing shots, as well as using indoor locations such as houses or/and the sixth form.
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