Monday, 10 April 2017

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Introduction to evaluation question 4
This short presentation describes how we used some questionnaire results to improve and upgrade our work. It also signify's how much we value questionnaires to be, as they can be a useful source to gain knowledge and information about our tasks.

Once we completed all of our final products, we decided to create a questionnaire to receive feedback on how effective we were at showing conventions of the rap genre, developing them, and also challenging what raps messages and values are about. We also wanted to see if are products were all distinctly recognisable as being related to each other. I will be talking about three questions that I believe to be most important to us, and helping us make the final changes to our work.

The first question we asked was 'What genre of music do you believe all three products to be?'. This was one of the most important questions for us, as we wanted to conform to the conventions effectively, to establish the genre of the products. From the results, 92% said that rap was the music genre, whilst only 8% of people suggested it was pop. This tells us that we expressed conventions of rap extremely well in our video, through use of location, props and costume. However, codes and conventions could be slightly stronger. In order for us to increase the amount of people how thought it was rap, we decided to include more editing conventions, such as cut to the beat and other cool effects, like cropping around the videos edges.

Question 8 says 'Can you see the resemblance between the music video, digipak and rap poster?' This question was important, as it allowed us to effectively answer evaluation 2, and make our texts have a similar finish to them. We also wanted to identify any areas we could improve or have done well in.
The feedback showed that the majority of people (85%) saw a resemblance between each product, whilst 15% didn't see a resemblance between each product. This meant that the combination of our main products and ancillary texts were effective, but could still be improved. I also thought that the video, lacked the most characteristics of each text overall, but still was effective in showing a combination of each product. However, we needed to add more shots to make it better.

 We improved this, by using videos of birds in the music video, as the poster and digipak both included birds. This made it more visible that each product was related, and could also consistently represent messages of freedom, which will appeal to fun/atics, as well as tribe wired types of audicnes from the life matrix, as they are seen as free, creative and spiritual people. One of the most important ways to combine each text was also through the throne, which we didn't include in the video. However, after the feedback we decided to include it to create a more effective combination.

Are final question I felt was important was 'Did we show themes and messages of rap throughout each product clearly and effectively?' I felt that we portrayed these well throughout the video and texts, by including shots and images of graffiti, which represent poverty and criminal activity which is common for the majority of rap songs and videos.

 The feedback also suggested that we did well in making clear themes and messages throughout our products. One person (Tom) said that "The circular narrative allowed us, the spectator, to understand that his journey has just began, and he hasn't yet found a role model he desires". The feedback also allowed us to include more conventional themes such as religion and culture, by using a church sign and crosses to symbolise these themes, and the beliefs of the character.

Overall, our feedback has been extremely important to us and highly valued, as it has allowed us to make slight adjustments and improvements to our products by adding things in, and taking certain things out such as colours and props that may not be conventional for the rap genre. I am also very happy with the responses given by the audience, as they are mainly positive, but the negative feedback has been very constructive, and allowed us to improve a lot more then positive responses. Therefore, I am very grateful for everyone who took part in the questionnaire, as it helped us hugely in producing are finished products.

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