Monday, 28 November 2016

Codes and conventions of a music magazine

         Codes and conventions of a rap music magazine 

In this post, we will be identifying different codes and conventions used in magazines specifically to the rap genre.

Down below is a PowerPoint slide expressing some of the magazine conventions and genre conventions within the magazine.

We can clearly see the links between magazine rap conventions and rap music conventions. This magazine uses multiple rap music conventions such as colour (Red,white and black) and props (handgun).

When we compare this magazine cover to the previous one, we can spot the magazine codes and conventions.

Colour Scheme - Colour seems to be a key code and convention across rap magazines. We can see that Red, white and black are commonly used throughout both of these magazine covers. This can be seen through font colour, and both mastheads of each magazine. These colours could of been used to represent gang culture, as rap glorifies gang activity through lyrics and music videos. Therefore, this magazine uses the colour of a famous west coast gang the "Bloods", to represent and give the gang more awareness.

Anchorage Text - Both of the magazines use anchorage text to establish who the cover star is. This can be seen through the text "JAY - Z" written in white, and "The Game" written in red. This attracts fans of the artists in, as they can see what the magazine is about, and some of the contents in the magazine.

Main Image - Both images for each magazine are direct images, and use a close up (camera work) to display the artist. Close ups help create a strong star image, through showing their emotions and part of their attire. The reasons behind this could be explained by Richard Dyers star theory, as he believes institutes create a star image, to gain more profits and revenue. This is why magazines produce and focus on the main image, as it will increase demand for the magazine, therefore increasing the finical portfolio of the institutes.

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