Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Lyotards theory

Jean Francois Lyotard

Lyotard's narrative theory

Jean Francois Lyotard was against looking at narratives in media as one whole narrative (a meta narrative). He suggested that traditional ways of thinking, like Todorov's theory, are flawed. Lyotard argued that narrative is becoming increasingly fragmented, and that these become stories within stories (micro narratives).

Lyotard also came up with concepts of postmodernism where he published a book on these ideas. This book is called La condition post-moderne which stands for The post-modern condition: a report on knowledge. This book explains his views on postmodernism, however, Leotard himself has disclaimed some of his views on the matter.

Lyotards narrative theory can applied to the Yamborghini High music video that I have recently analysed. This music video does not have a meta narrative, but is fragmented into different episodes. This can be seen when the video uses straight cuts (editing) to transition from the star then back to cars. Therefore, this proves that Lyotards narrative theory is correct, and is evident within music videos.

What I have learnt so far
I have become confident with this theorists and as a result, I can start to apply his theories into my posts to deliver a more detailed analysis in my posts to come. 

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